Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections in

Valencia, CA & Lancaster, CA

Avors Medical Group

Trigger Points

A trigger point is a hyperirritable spot in the skeletal muscle. These tender areas, often referred to as “knots”, are associated with palpable nodules that develop in the tight muscle fibers or bands of skeletal muscle. Palpation of a trigger point can provoke pain over the area or cause pain that radiates along the muscle. Trigger points form from muscle injury. Over-stretching from an acute injury (such as trauma) or over-use of a muscle (such as repeated stress or strain from poor posturing or positioning) can cause the development of trigger points. Emotional stress can also lead to increased muscle tension which can result in trigger point development. Aside from often being painful trigger points can interfere with normal movement and muscle function by keeping muscles tense, short and stiff. They often lead to muscle spasms and prevent muscles from relaxing causing them to tire quickly.  Trigger points can develop throughout the body, commonly affecting the muscles in the back of the neck or thoracic and lumbar spine. Sometimes trigger points are found over the arms, legs, chest, and face as well. 

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Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections (TPI) are minimally invasive procedures that is often used for treating pain. They can be used when other conservative treatments have not sufficed or used in conjunction to other therapies such as therapeutic massage, physical therapy, chiropractor care, topical pharmacological or non-topical pharmacological treatments. Trigger point injections are performed in an outpatient or medical office setting. 

A trigger point injection is an injection given directly into the trigger point of a muscle. The injection may include a corticosteroid (to help decrease inflammation) mixed in with a local anesthetic (e.g. lidocaine, xylocaine, bupivacaine), or an anesthetic may be used alone. Some other trigger point injections use saline alone. Some trigger point injections use no medication and rely on the needle only and is also known as “dry needling”. Researchers believe that the injection, whether it is with medication or the needle itself, causes a disruption of the nerve pain signaling pathways that cause referred pain.  Injection into the trigger point often leads to localized muscle pain reduction by relaxing the affected muscles.

Side Effects of Trigger Point Injections

Although TPI side effects are rare, some of the potential side effects are:

  • Pain at the injection site
  • Nerve injury
  • Bleeding at the injection site
  • Infection at the injection site

Precautions for TPI

  • Avoid TPI with corticosteroid in uncontrolled diabetes
  • Avoid TPI with corticosteroid if patient is receiving other corticosteroid treatment
  • Avoid TPI if patient is receiving antibiotics due to potential risk for infection
  • May not be recommended for patients who fear needles (avoid potential for vasovagal shock)
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Call for info on trigger point injections.

Lancaster (661) 726-5005

Valencia (661) 705-5100

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